Wednesday, December 7, 2022

New, Colorful Anodized Earrings Added to


What do bird feathers, butterfly wings, and anodized niobium all have in common?  They all get their vibrant colors from interference colors.  Interference colors are created when nanostructures on feathers, butterfly wings, or even the niobium oxide layer on anodized niobium alter the reflective properties of the light.  Think of looking through a clear glass prism and seeing a rainbow.  That's a bit of a simplification; but, it's close.

The niobium oxide layer forms when niobium is subjected to electrical current while being anodized.  That layer causes the light to reflect and refract in ways that to our eyes, creates vibrant colors.  The beautiful colors created are all structural meaning that no pigments are involved.  This layer is very durable and never needs to be polished.  Simply store your jewelry away from other jewelry that might scratch it and it will provide years of enjoyment!